Manufactured Homes
Manufactured homes remain an attractive option for many people seeking affordable quality housing. Reliance First Capital helps make it even more affordable by offering both FHA and Conventional mortgage loan programs specifically designed to address the needs and goals of manufactured home owners.
Some of the requirements regarding a manufactured home's current standing in order to qualify for a mortgage program with Reliance First Capital include:
Home is a double wide (side-by-side) manufactured home.
There is a minimum of 600 square feet of gross living area and the home is at least 12 feet wide.
Home has been attached to a permanent foundation system for at least 12 months.
All wheels, axels, running gears, and towing hitches have been removed.
Permanent skirting (e.g. concrete or brick) surrounds your home.
Home and property are served by an all-weather roadway with adequate vehicular access.
For more information about our manufactured home mortgage programs call Reliance First Capital today.
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You can trust your
Reliance First Capital
mortgage analyst because they've been put through rigorous testing and background checks by the Federal Government, State Governments and by our organization. Also, every one of our mortgage analysts are registered with the National Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS).
In addition, any information collected by our mortgage analysts are entered into and kept in our secure password-protected proprietary loan origination system, so you can be sure your information is safe.
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