Reliance First Capital, LLC is an Equal Housing Opportunity Lender. We conduct business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Act and applicable state fair housing laws. We also comply with the federal Equal Credit Opportunity Act and applicable state credit discrimination laws. The federal Equal Credit Opportunity Act prohibits creditors from discriminating against credit applicants on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age (provided the applicant has the capacity to enter into a binding contract); because all or part of the applicant's income derives from any public assistance program; or because the applicant has in good faith exercised any right under the Consumer Credit Protection Act. The federal agency that administers compliance with this law concerning Reliance First Capital is Federal Trade Commission, Equal Credit Opportunity, Washington, DC 20580.
Equal Housing
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You can trust your
Reliance First Capital
mortgage analyst because they've been put through rigorous testing and background checks by the Federal Government, State Governments and by our organization. Also, every one of our mortgage analysts are registered with the National Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS).
In addition, any information collected by our mortgage analysts are entered into and kept in our secure password-protected proprietary loan origination system, so you can be sure your information is safe.
Finally, you can verify our company by visiting:
HUD: click here
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